[Unix-admins] [lustre-discuss] TEST3

Anu Mahabal vam at caltech.edu
Wed Dec 2 11:23:09 PST 2020

Usually the upgrade procedure is the following:

1. Shutdown the Lustre file system completely.
(umount all the clients and servers)

2. In all the clients and servers, install the new version of Lustre
software. If your servers are Lustre with ldiskfs backend, please
install the recommand version of e2fsprogs package.
(see https://www.lustre.org/download/)

3. In all the servers and clients, unload the Lustre modules by:


Or you can reboot these machines instead.

4. In each of the servers, run the following command to upgrade:

tunefs.lustre --writeconf /dev/<device_name>

Note that you have to do it for all the MGS / MDT / OST.

5. When running tunefs.lustre, it may prompt you to turn on some options
of the ldiskfs file system of corresponding device using the e2fsprogs
utilities. Just follow the indications.

6. Then the upgrade is completed. You can try to restart the Lustre file

I used to upgrade from version 2.5.X to 2.10.X and 2.12.X directly.
Everything looks fine to me.



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