From kecman at Fri Nov 2 11:07:54 2018 From: kecman at (Kecman, Branislav) Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2018 18:07:54 +0000 Subject: [Cahill-Recreation] A favor to ask Message-ID: <> Dear Cahill, I have a space parts vendor from San Diego whose son is in high school and interested in physics and engineering, so thinking of applying to Caltech. They are coming to visit my lab tomorrow (Saturday 11/3) to get a taste of campus. If any of you are around in the late AM/early PM and wouldn?t mind telling them a little bit about what you do, please let me know. It can be as short as 10-15 minutes, I?m sure it will be inspirational. It doesn?t matter if you?re a grad, undergrad, postdoc, staff... Thanks in advance, Branislav (626) 354-2534