[Cahill-Recreation] Summer Ultimate Frisbee

J. Sebastian Pineda jspineda at astro.caltech.edu
Thu Apr 24 14:44:06 PDT 2014

Hey Everybody,

The GSC is starting an intramural Ultimate Frisbee league over the 
summer, to play on the weekends. I wanted to gauge inetrest within 
Cahill to participate. If enough people are interested, we'll field a 
team. It's 7x7 but it's good to have some subs. It's open to basically 
anybody, including faculty and post-docs. Beginners are welcome.

Pass this on to anybody you think may be interested.


J. Sebastian Pineda
Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics
California Institute of Technology
1200 California Blvd. MC 249-17
Pasadena CA, 91125

Office: (626) 395-6857

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