[Cahill-Recreation] Mystery Hunt this weekend!

Melodie Kao mkao at caltech.edu
Mon Jan 14 13:41:29 PST 2013

Dear all,

Every year for a weekend in January, a huge puzzle competition takes place
at MIT, called Mystery Hunt <http://web.mit.edu/puzzle/www/>.  Teams of
people (students, professors, postdocs, staff, alumni, friends) gather
together and race to solve all of the puzzles first!  This year, I'm
hunting remotely with the group Death from Above
<https://dfa.mit.edu/>(DFA for short), which has a bunch of
puzzle-cracking tools that they've
developed over the years.  Mystery Hunt starts at 12 PM EDT this Friday and
ends when the first team solves all of the puzzles (~48ish hours).
 Puzzling is more fun when there are lots of people around you to bounce
ideas / eat food / hang out with, so if any of you are interested in
joining in on the fun let me know!  :)

To get an idea of what a puzzle might be like, DFA has been creating a
Puzzle of the Day:


They also simulated a mini Mystery Hunt this weekend:

And finally, having people in different timezones is a big advantage, since
we can help make sure that puzzles are being worked on 'round-the-clock!


Melodie Kao
Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics
California Institute of Technology
1200 E California Blvd. MC 249-17
Pasadena CA, 91125
mkao at caltech.edu
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