[Cahill-Recreation] Playreaders Present THE PSYCHIC

Ryan Trainor trainor at astro.caltech.edu
Mon Nov 12 13:56:29 PST 2012

Hey Friends

Busy tomorrow night? NO? Well then, heck, have I got an opportunity for you!

I'll be getting my inner thespian on with some other Caltech types in a playreaders production of The Psychic. If you've never seen a playreaders show, it's basically ultra-low-budget theatre in which there are no sets, minimal costumes, the actors all hold scripts, and a narrator explains what's going on.

The Psychic is a comedic play in which a failing writer of mystery novels decides to become a psychic on the side... but ends up getting embroiled in a real-life murder mystery! I'll be playing the writer/psychic, so you should definitely come down and help me unravel the tangled web of intrigue.

The play is at 8pm at the Athenaeum in the Hall of Associates (the big room with the pictures on the walls in the North-East corner). The cost is a mere $4, most of which goes to defray the cost of the free cookies and wine that follow the show. You can see the attached poster for nifty graphics, etc.

You should come! It'll be rad!

~ Ryan

Ryan Trainor, Caltech Astronomy
trainor at astro.caltech.edu
Cahill 259, MC 249-17

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