[Cahill-Recreation] Eurocup

J. Sebastian Pineda jspineda at astro.caltech.edu
Thu Jun 7 23:35:45 PDT 2012

correction -  kick-off is at 11:45am


On 6/7/12 11:30 PM, J. Sebastian Pineda wrote:
> Hello,
> On behalf of all post-docs and grad students, we have reserved RM 211 
> for viewing the European Cup (soccer) this Friday the 8th. Russia vs. 
> Czech Republic, kickoff is at noon.
> If there isn't enough room we might be able to move to a larger venue, 
> however most conference rooms were booked for the full time allotment.
> Throughout the tournament we'll be hosting the noon-time games in RM 
> 273 (Monday - Thursday) and RM 211 on Fridays.
> cheers,
> -Sebastian

J. Sebastian Pineda
Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics
California Institute of Technology
1200 California Blvd. MC 249-17
Pasadena CA, 91125

Office: (626) 395-3030

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