[Cahill-Recreation] Sierra Conference camping trip, August 10-13

Daniel Perley dperley at astro.caltech.edu
Mon Jul 16 15:36:57 PDT 2012

Hi everyone,

Every year the graduate students at UC Berkeley organize a 
multi-institution astronomy camping trip (nominally to encourage 
networking but mostly just to get together and have a good time in the 
mountains).  This is coming up in about a month, August 10-13.  The 
location (north of Lake Tahoe) is pretty far from here this year, but if 
you think you might be interested, you can e-mail Sedona Price (below) 
for more info.   I could also help answer any questions (although I 
won't be able to attend this year, I did help organize the event in 
previous years.)

- Daniel

Hi all,

This year's Sierra Conference (the annual camping trip designed to 
encourage collaboration and networking within the astronomy community in 
California) is coming up!

It will be held at
Jackson Meadows Reservoir, Tahoe National Forest, CA
Friday 10 Aug - Monday 13 Aug,
and maps, etc are found at
As far as things to do during our stay, there's a lake and hiking trails 
near the campsite.

If you're interested in coming, now is the time to start letting me 
know! Maybes are fine at this point, too.

So let us know if you're interested in coming to this year's Sierra 


Organizational details:

I've set up a google spreadsheet to help facilitate ride sharing. It 
would be very helpful if you could fill out your availability to 
drive/need for a ride and your location in the attendees spreadsheet.

Attendees & transport coordination:

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