[Cahill-Recreation] Fwd: Olympic Gold

J. Sebastian Pineda jspineda at astro.caltech.edu
Mon Aug 6 16:50:16 PDT 2012


This thursday at 11:45 am the Women's Soccer Gold medal match will
kick-off. It will be the reigning Olympic champions and World Cup
runners up, USA, vs the reigning world cup winners, Japan.

I'm setting up to have it available for viewing in rm 273, across from
chris' office. bring your lunch and root for your favorite team.


-Sebastian (Fun Czar)


J. Sebastian Pineda
Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics
California Institute of Technology
1200 California Blvd. MC 249-17
Pasadena CA, 91125

Office: (626) 395-3030

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