[Cahill-Recreation] softball!

Tim Morton tdm at astro.caltech.edu
Tue May 24 05:37:56 PDT 2011

Hey everyone!  It's that time of year again---the Big Bangers are back in
business, or will be again with your participation.

We have a choice this year whether we want to be in the C or D league.  So
please let me (and our fearless co-captain Ryan) the following:

(a) if you want to play
(b) whether you prefer playing in the D (as relaxed as possible) or C
(slightly more competitive) league.

I'm out of town so Ryan is in charge of collecting names for the roster,
which is due on Friday.  So please stop by his office sometime in the next
few days to sign up, and email your C/D preference to me so I can let Coach
D'Auria know.


Tim Morton
Grad Student
Caltech Department of Astrophysics
Cahill 253
626-395-4095 (office)
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