[Cahill-Recreation] friday beer during summer term

Elisabeth Krause ekrause at astro.caltech.edu
Mon Jun 20 14:16:27 PDT 2011

Hi everyone -

thanks to Matt for running journal club beer this year, and for staying 
within your budget for a month longer than expected!
Now the question is whether people want to continue the friday beer/snack 
hour during summer term on a self-supported basis.

Ryan worked this out last year:
"In order to continue to provide a similar level of beer/snacks as we've 
been doing, we need about $50/wk.  Our current plan is for anyone who 
likes these activities and wants to contribute to commit to giving $5 per 
week to a fund for the beer.

You ask: "What about leechers?" Ah, leechers.  In order that non-committed 
individuals may also partake in our social activities, we will also put a 
bowl out for donations--perhaps $2 for a beer and $1 for soda and cookies, 
at our discretion."

So, email me if you want to participate (semi-) regularly in a 
self-funded beer/snack hour during summer term! And feel free to suggest 

Elisabeth and Matt

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