[Cahill-Recreation] Fwd: [astro_boardgames] Boardgames? Boardgames!

Tim Morton tdm at astro.caltech.edu
Sat Jan 30 10:54:06 PST 2010

Hi- For those of you who might not be on the boardgames list, but like to
play things, Matthew's hosting tonight.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matthew Stevenson <mas at astro.caltech.edu>
Date: Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 2:38 AM
Subject: [astro_boardgames] Boardgames? Boardgames!
To: astro_boardgames at yahoogroups.com

Hi Everyone,

Well, it's been awhile. We'd like to try and start up the astro boardgames
group, again. Let's kick it off with some boardgames this Saturday. We'll
start at 9pm.

At this point, Jenn and I are looking at hosting boardgames once a month. If
others on the list want to host a few nights, we'd be quite happy. I'm also
planning on sending out a new recruiting e-mail before the next game night.

As always, our address is:
229 S. Wilson #7 (ring 02 at the door)
Ph. 626-795-5399
Cell. 626-394-3535

Let me know if you'll make it out.



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