Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
Allovro | OVRO staff and retired staff |
alma-gw | [no description available] |
Anomalous | AE on 40m |
aot_organizers | [no description available] |
arc | [no description available] |
Astro-careers | Astronomy career discussions/meetings |
AstroGrads | Astronomy-Related Graduate Students |
Astroph-admins | [no description available] |
BetaCage | [no description available] |
caac | Caltech Amateur Astronomy Club |
cahill-ph-grads | [no description available] |
Cahill-Recreation | Cahill Recreational Activities |
Cahill_Cosmology | Cahill Cosmology JC Mailing List |
Carma_ssc | [no description available] |
casc | [no description available] |
casper-loc | [no description available] |
casper2017 | [no description available] |
Cbass-obs | CBASS observational status reports |
CD3seminars | CD3 Seminars |
CGM | [no description available] |
chandra-gw | [no description available] |
CIBER | The CIBER project mailing list. |
CKS-Cool | Mailing list for CKS-Cool Team |
Cmb-lab | [no description available] |
COMAP | [no description available] |
Comap-hetdex | [no description available] |
Comap-job | [no description available] |
Comap_authors | [no description available] |
Corrtemp | [no description available] |
cosmology_reading | [no description available] |
Cosmos-Exploder | COSMOS Team E-mail Exploder |
Cosmos-Papers | COSMOS Papers Announcement List |
Cosmos-SSC | COSMOS Science Steering Committee |
cps-group-meeting | California Planet Search |
Cral | [no description available] |
Cral_meetings | Cahill Radio Astronomy Lab meetings |
CROuser | CROuser |
Darkside | Palomar Observatory nighttime operations |
dda | History of Data Driven Astronomy |
Direct-imaging-jc | Direct imaging Journal Club |
Docent-palomar | [no description available] |
dsa-2000-community | DSA-2000 Science and Technical Community |
dsa-2000-engineering | [no description available] |
dsa-2000-meeting | Meeting announcements for DSA-2000 project |
DSA-2000-Newsletter | DSA-2000 Project Newsletter |
dsa-2000-rci-sw | DSA-2000 Radio Camera and Software group |
dsa-2000-ssleads | [no description available] |
Egroup | Palomar Observatory Electrical Group |
Elab | Palomar Electronics Lab |
Emgw | [no description available] |
Emgw-core | [no description available] |
Engineers | [no description available] |
epcit | Caltech-EinsteinProbe Science Center collaboration mailing list |
eprv5 | [no description available] |
eprv5_loc | [no description available] |
eprv5_soc | [no description available] |
Fopo | Friends of Palomar Observatory |
Gattini | [no description available] |
Gmgroup | [no description available] |
Growth | [no description available] |
Growtheab | [no description available] |
GrowthGeneral | [no description available] |
Growthmarshal | [no description available] |
Gto | Greenway Talks Online |
HerMES-Rare | HerMES Rare Sources |
HerMES-Red | List for followup of HerMES Red sources |
Iptfcouncil | [no description available] |
Iptfoperations | [no description available] |
Iptftransient | [no description available] |
jagwar | [no description available] |
Jagwar-announce | [no description available] |
KPED | This mailing list is for the Kitt Peak EMCCD Demonstrator observing system |
kpfscienceteam | [no description available] |
ksm2020 | [no description available] |
MondayLunch | Theorist/Observer Monday Lunch discussion |
Music_instr | [no description available] |
ObsCos | [no description available] |
OIR | OIR Group List |
outreach-volunteers | Caltech Astronomy Outreach Volunteers |
OVRO-LWA | [no description available] |
OVRO-LWA-meeting | OVRO-LWA Weekly Meeting |
ovro-lwa-observer | Users of the OVRO-LWA-352 |
ovro-software | [no description available] |
OVROstaff | Current OVRO staff |
P200support | Palomar Observing Support |
P48-alert | [no description available] |
Palomar-cottages | Palomar Cottage Residents |
palomar-mechs | [no description available] |
palomar-reports | Distribution list for Palomar Observatory nightly reports |
palomar-setups | Palomar staff involved in instrument setups |
Palomar-supervisors | Palomar Supervisors |
PalStaff | Mail for onsite Palomar Staff |
Paltech | Palomar Technical Issues |
pdg | Planet Discussion Group weekly meeting |
physgrads | [no description available] |
PMA | [no description available] |
POMO-campus | POMO staff located on the Caltech campus |
PRAMM | Pasadena Radio Astronomers' Monthly Meetings and Radio/Sub-mm Pizza Lunches |
PRAMM-organizers | Organizing committee for PRAMM and Radio/Sub-mm Pizza Lunches |
PTFgeneral | PTF general announcements |
Ptftoo | [no description available] |
radioastronomy | [no description available] |
rci | Radio Camera Initiative |
RoboAO-reports | [no description available] |
Robopol | [no description available] |
Robopol_admin | [no description available] |
Sec | [no description available] |
Sedm-auto | [no description available] |
Sedm-help | [no description available] |
Sedm2-alerts | [no description available] |
Sedm_observer | [no description available] |
sedmv2 | SEDMv2 news |
skipperccd | [no description available] |
SOFTS_science | SOFTS science work |
SOFTS_tech | SOFTS technology dev |
Spherex_b111 | [no description available] |
Spireussag1 | SPIRE SAG-1 US Effort |
Spitzercycle9 | [no description available] |
stargazing_organizers | [no description available] |
Tamia | Towards A More Inclusive Astronomy |
TDA | [no description available] |
TDF | Time Domain Forum |
Test-mail | [no description available] |
TIME | The Tomographic Intensity Mapping Experiment Mailing List |
Unix-admins | [no description available] |
vip | VIP mailing list |
vla-gw | [no description available] |
vortex | This mailing list is used to exchange information within the VORTEX project (U. Liège, U. Uppsala, Caltech). |
zspec-apex | [no description available] |
ZTF-reports | Reports from the ZTF observing system |
Ztf-school-participants | [no description available] |
ztf-swg | [no description available] |
ztfglsne | Lensed supernovae in ZTF. |
Ztfm31 | [no description available] |
Ztfnightreport | [no description available] |
ztfsswg | ZTF Solar System Working Group |
Ztfstatus | [no description available] |
Ztfvariable | ZTF Variable Star Announcements |
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