mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
Allovro OVRO staff and retired staff
alma-gw [no description available]
Anomalous AE on 40m
aot_organizers [no description available]
arc [no description available]
Astro-careers Astronomy career discussions/meetings
AstroGrads Astronomy-Related Graduate Students
Astroph-admins [no description available]
BetaCage [no description available]
caac Caltech Amateur Astronomy Club
cahill-ph-grads [no description available]
Cahill-Recreation Cahill Recreational Activities
Cahill_Cosmology Cahill Cosmology JC Mailing List
Carma_ssc [no description available]
casc [no description available]
casper-loc [no description available]
casper2017 [no description available]
Cbass-obs CBASS observational status reports
CD3seminars CD3 Seminars
CGM [no description available]
chandra-gw [no description available]
CIBER The CIBER project mailing list.
CKS-Cool Mailing list for CKS-Cool Team
Cmb-lab [no description available]
COMAP [no description available]
Comap-hetdex [no description available]
Comap-job [no description available]
Comap_authors [no description available]
Corrtemp [no description available]
cosmology_reading [no description available]
Cosmos-Exploder COSMOS Team E-mail Exploder
Cosmos-Papers COSMOS Papers Announcement List
Cosmos-SSC COSMOS Science Steering Committee
cps-group-meeting California Planet Search
Cral [no description available]
Cral_meetings Cahill Radio Astronomy Lab meetings
CROuser CROuser
Darkside Palomar Observatory nighttime operations
dda History of Data Driven Astronomy
Direct-imaging-jc Direct imaging Journal Club
Docent-palomar [no description available]
dsa-2000-community DSA-2000 Science and Technical Community
dsa-2000-engineering [no description available]
dsa-2000-meeting Meeting announcements for DSA-2000 project
DSA-2000-Newsletter DSA-2000 Project Newsletter
dsa-2000-rci-sw DSA-2000 Radio Camera and Software group
dsa-2000-ssleads [no description available]
Egroup Palomar Observatory Electrical Group
Elab Palomar Electronics Lab
Emgw [no description available]
Emgw-core [no description available]
Engineers [no description available]
epcit Caltech-EinsteinProbe Science Center collaboration mailing list
eprv5 [no description available]
eprv5_loc [no description available]
eprv5_soc [no description available]
Fopo Friends of Palomar Observatory
Gattini [no description available]
Gmgroup [no description available]
Growth [no description available]
Growtheab [no description available]
GrowthGeneral [no description available]
Growthmarshal [no description available]
Gto Greenway Talks Online
HerMES-Rare HerMES Rare Sources
HerMES-Red List for followup of HerMES Red sources
Iptfcouncil [no description available]
Iptfoperations [no description available]
Iptftransient [no description available]
jagwar [no description available]
Jagwar-announce [no description available]
KPED This mailing list is for the Kitt Peak EMCCD Demonstrator observing system
kpfscienceteam [no description available]
ksm2020 [no description available]
MondayLunch Theorist/Observer Monday Lunch discussion
Music_instr [no description available]
ObsCos [no description available]
OIR OIR Group List
outreach-volunteers Caltech Astronomy Outreach Volunteers
OVRO-LWA [no description available]
OVRO-LWA-meeting OVRO-LWA Weekly Meeting
ovro-lwa-observer Users of the OVRO-LWA-352
ovro-software [no description available]
OVROstaff Current OVRO staff
P200support Palomar Observing Support
P48-alert [no description available]
Palomar-cottages Palomar Cottage Residents
palomar-mechs [no description available]
palomar-reports Distribution list for Palomar Observatory nightly reports
palomar-setups Palomar staff involved in instrument setups
Palomar-supervisors Palomar Supervisors
PalStaff Mail for onsite Palomar Staff
Paltech Palomar Technical Issues
pdg Planet Discussion Group weekly meeting
physgrads [no description available]
PMA [no description available]
POMO-campus POMO staff located on the Caltech campus
PRAMM Pasadena Radio Astronomers' Monthly Meetings and Radio/Sub-mm Pizza Lunches
PRAMM-organizers Organizing committee for PRAMM and Radio/Sub-mm Pizza Lunches
PTFgeneral PTF general announcements
Ptftoo [no description available]
radioastronomy [no description available]
rci Radio Camera Initiative
RoboAO-reports [no description available]
Robopol [no description available]
Robopol_admin [no description available]
Sec [no description available]
Sedm-auto [no description available]
Sedm-help [no description available]
Sedm2-alerts [no description available]
Sedm_observer [no description available]
sedmv2 SEDMv2 news
skipperccd [no description available]
SOFTS_science SOFTS science work
SOFTS_tech SOFTS technology dev
Spherex_b111 [no description available]
Spireussag1 SPIRE SAG-1 US Effort
Spitzercycle9 [no description available]
stargazing_organizers [no description available]
Tamia Towards A More Inclusive Astronomy
TDA [no description available]
TDF Time Domain Forum
Test-mail [no description available]
TIME The Tomographic Intensity Mapping Experiment Mailing List
Unix-admins [no description available]
vip VIP mailing list
vla-gw [no description available]
vortex This mailing list is used to exchange information within the VORTEX project (U. Liège, U. Uppsala, Caltech).
zspec-apex [no description available]
ZTF-reports Reports from the ZTF observing system
Ztf-school-participants [no description available]
ztf-swg [no description available]
ztfglsne Lensed supernovae in ZTF.
Ztfm31 [no description available]
Ztfnightreport [no description available]
ztfsswg ZTF Solar System Working Group
Ztfstatus [no description available]
Ztfvariable ZTF Variable Star Announcements

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